You are welcome here. Just the way you are. All of us are imperfect, but we have the privilege to chase after a perfect God together. As you pursue the Lord, you will realize something: He has been pursuing you. He loves you more than you can imagine. In a loving relationship with God, He will begin transforming your life to reflect His glory.
We are free in Jesus. We find this freedom as we follow Him. Jesus Christ rose from the dead so you could be free from the confines of sin and death.
We don’t have time to be fake. You will hear our stories of struggle with our stories of victory. We will walk with God through it all.
We want you to understand the Bible. We want you to understand why we do the things we do in our church. We want you to understand you are not alone.
God has a wonderful plan for your life! The joy of our lives is finding His will and walking in it. Each week, we hope you are challenged to take the next steps in following Jesus.
We want to create an environment where you feel safe to explore your relationship with Jesus Christ, and we also just want a safe environment. We will strive to make sure your kids are safe in every way possible. We will strive to make sure any gathering is as safe as possible.